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How Should I Care for My Skin After Microneedling Treatments?

By: Meet Our Providers


At Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center, we work hard every day to help our clients look and feel their very best with game-changing skin rejuvenation treatments. Offering advanced treatments such as microneedling with PRP and the highly demanded RF (radiofrequency) microneedling, Faisal Darwiche, NP and our team specialize in noninvasive skin treatments designed to deliver natural anti-aging results.

If you're considering any sort of microneedling procedure and live in the Newport Beach, CA area, our team is happy to support your journey with our training and expertise. Here are some tips about what you can expect and the steps you can take to maintain your microneedling results.

What can I expect right after my microneedling treatment?

Right after your microneedling session, it's standard to see some redness and feel a bit of swelling, much like you've spent a little too long in the sun. This is all part of the process, and these symptoms are usually quick to fade, often within just a couple of days. Faisal and the team at Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center will walk you through what to expect post-treatment during your consultation. We stress the importance of a customized aftercare plan to help your skin recover smoothly and effectively.

How should I care for my skin after microneedling treatments?

Good microneedling aftercare is essential when it comes to getting the most out of your treatment. Here are a few key steps to help your skin heal and thrive:

  • Keep the skin hydrated: Moisturizing products are your best friends post-treatment. They help soothe the skin and reduce the feeling of tightness.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure: UV rays can be particularly harmful post-microneedling. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily to protect your healing skin.
  • Steer clear of exfoliating agents: For at least a week after your treatment, avoid products that contain retinoids or other exfoliating agents to prevent irritation.

How long after microneedling can I wear makeup?

Our clients are often eager to enhance their microneedling results with some of their favorite cosmetic products, but we recommend skipping your makeup routine for just a little while — about three days. This window allows your skin's microchannels to close and start the healing process, minimizing the risk of irritation or infection. When you do start wearing makeup again, opt for mineral-based products that are less likely to irritate your sensitive skin.

How else can I maintain my microneedling results?

To extend the benefits of your microneedling treatment, consider incorporating these practices into your skin care routine:

  • Consistent use of sunscreen: Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays can prevent premature aging and maintain the results of your treatment.
  • Follow a balanced diet and stay hydrated: Nutrition plays a crucial role in skin health. A diet rich in antioxidants and plenty of water can enhance your skin's ability to heal and rejuvenate.
  • Consider follow-up treatments: Microneedling results are cumulative. During your first microneedling visit at our Newport Beach, CA office, we'll discuss how often you may need to schedule follow-up treatments to maintain your radiant look.

We're here to answer your questions about microneedling aftercare

Microneedling is a fantastic option for those who are looking for natural skin rejuvenation with minimal downtime — and with proper aftercare, it can lead to lasting results. If you have any questions about microneedling or any of our other noninvasive anti-aging treatments, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Faisal Darwiche, NP at our Newport Beach, CA practice.

Whether you're considering microneedling with PRP, RF microneedling, or seeking advice on post-treatment care, the team at Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center is here to guide you every step of the way. Don't hesitate to reach out and take the first step toward radiant, healthy skin.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.