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Restore Areas of Hair Loss With the Help of PRP Treatments

By: Meet Our Providers


Hair loss is a common but unfortunate issue for many people. The good news is cutting-edge treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can effectively restore thinning hair and balding areas of the scalp. Nurse practitioner Faisal Darwiche is proud to offer this advanced therapy, so patients can regain their hairline and enjoy a more youthful, confident appearance.

Call Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center to book a consultation and learn about the benefits of PRP injections. Our Newport Beach, CA team understands the unique concerns of each patient and can customize a treatment plan to fit your goals.

What kinds of hair loss exist?

Hair loss can be classified into several groups: genetic, age-related, and medical. Genetic hair loss is a hereditary issue that affects both men and women. It usually presents as progressively thinning hair. Age-related hair loss is often related to hormonal changes that occur over time during menopause and andropause. Autoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata also lead to problems with our hairline.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a revolutionary new treatment that stimulates hair growth and promotes healthy, new follicles. The procedure involves drawing a small blood sample from your arm and then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets. This concentrated plasma is then administered directly into your scalp with a small needle.

PRP is unique because it uses your body's own natural healing powers to promote hair restoration. The concentrated plasma contains growth factors that repair and rejuvenate the scalp, stimulate new cell growth, and improve circulation in the area. With regular treatments, you can expect gradual improvements in hair thickness, texture, and overall density.

What areas can be treated with PRP injections?

PRP has helped countless men and women with receding hairlines, thinning crowns, and bald spots that are difficult to treat through over-the-counter remedies. Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center can perform a thorough evaluation to determine the best way to approach your form of hair loss.

During a PRP consultation in Newport Beach, CA, we can discuss:

  • Your treatment goals
  • If you are an ideal candidate for PRP
  • Any potential risks or side effects associated with treatment
  • When you can expect results
  • A timeline for follow-up appointments

Is PRP treatment painful?

Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center takes every step to ensure your comfort and safety during treatment. Though PRP injections are usually not painful, Faisal Darwiche or one of our team members will apply a local anesthetic before the procedure if needed. Most patients report minimal discomfort and no downtime afterward.

How long until PRP results become apparent?

Individual results vary depending on factors such as age and severity of the hair loss involved. However, most people begin to see gradual improvements in their hairline within 4 – 6 months of their initial treatment session. We may recommend scheduling a PRP treatment every 12 – 18 months for continued, long-term benefits.

Combat hair loss with PRP

Thinning hair can be a source of stress and anxiety, but PRP therapy offers an effective solution for many patients. If you are interested in our innovative hair restoration treatment, contact Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center and book a consultation. Nurse practitioner Faisal Darwiche looks forward to helping to restore your hairline and helping you look and feel your best in Newport Beach, CA.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.