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What Kind of Facial Veins Can be Improved with BroadBand Light™ Therapy?

By: Meet Our Providers


Almost everyone will experience spider veins at some point in their lives. These visible veins are a source of self-consciousness and can make people feel insecure about their appearance. While facial veins are common, they don't have to last forever. Nurse practitioner Faisal Darwiche may offer BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy to clear up your complexion.

Call Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center to book an appointment and take the first step toward smoother, more even-looking skin in Newport Beach, CA. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

How do I tell if I have spider veins? What causes them?

Spider veins are blood vessels that become visible near the surface of the skin. They're often red in color and branch out in spider-web-type patterns. The exact cause of facial veins is not always understood, but several factors contribute to their development. These include genetics, sun exposure, hormonal changes, and aging. People with rosacea may also see spider veins as a symptom of their condition.

Why seek BBL treatment for spider veins?

Some people cover facial veins with makeup, but this can be time-consuming and may not always provide the desired results. Spider veins are often caused by underlying issues such as sun damage or rosacea, so treating them can improve the overall health and appearance of your skin. BBL therapy is a safe and effective way to target visible veins without invasive procedures or weeks of downtime in Newport Beach, CA.

How does BBL help?

BroadBand Light therapy emits heat energy that targets the pigment in your spider veins, causing them to gradually fade and disappear. The treatment also stimulates collagen production to improve skin texture and tone. BBL is quick, comfortable, and can be performed in-office, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center uses the latest BBL technology to provide patients with optimal results.

What can I expect during and after BBL treatment?

During BBL treatment, a small handheld device delivers short pulses of light to the targeted areas. You may feel a warm sensation and some discomfort, but the procedure is well-tolerated and does not require anesthesia. Treatment times vary based on the size and number of areas involved, but most sessions last between 30 and 45 minutes. Our team is careful to address delicate areas with precision and care.

For facial veins, we may recommend a series of treatments booked anywhere from 2 – 6 weeks apart. Results begin to show after one or two sessions, with optimal results typically seen after the series is completed. There is some downtime associated with BBL therapy, but we can provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. There may be some mild redness and swelling in the face, but these side effects should subside within a few days.

Fade facial veins in Newport Beach, CA

Spider veins don't have to be a lasting part of your facial features. With BBL therapy at Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center, you can take control of your skin and feel confident in your complexion. Call for an appointment with nurse practitioner Faisal Darwiche and see how BBL treatment can help you achieve smoother, more even-looking skin in Newport Beach, CA. Let us help you reach your aesthetic goals and feel beautiful inside and out.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.