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Worried About Neck Skin Laxity? Renuvion® May be for You

By: Faisal Darwiche


Factors like age and sun damage cause unwelcome changes in the neck, including deep wrinkles and loose skin. Though plastic surgery can remove this excess skin, invasive procedures are not for everyone. Now, you can improve your appearance without going under the knife – Renuvion uses radiofrequency energy and helium plasma to deliver results comparable to a neck lift.

Nurse practitioner Faisal Darwiche can explain how this minimally invasive procedure works and your candidacy for treatment. Contact Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center for a consultation in Newport Beach, CA, and see why so many people choose our trusted team for skin tightening.

What causes laxity in the neck and jawline?

Collagen and elastin production tends to slow down as we age, which leads to loose skin in the neck and jawline over time. Other factors that contribute to skin laxity include sun damage, smoking, and poor diet. Those who recently lost weight may also be left with excess skin in this area.

Unfortunately, these changes cannot be completely reversed – but they can be improved with our help.

How does Renuvion work?

Renuvion is a minimally invasive skin tightening procedure at Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center. The process begins when we place a small handheld device with a thin tube just beneath the surface of the skin. The device releases a combination of helium gas and radiofrequency waves, creating a form of plasma that contracts and tightens the lower layers of your skin. Treatment only takes about an hour, and patients may return home almost immediately afterward with no hospital stay.

What are the benefits of Renuvion?

In addition to its minimally invasive nature, Renuvion offers many other advantages over traditional surgical procedures in Newport Beach, CA. These benefits include:

  • Short recovery time
  • Minimal discomfort
  • No general anesthesia required
  • Fewer risks and complications
  • Natural-looking results

Patients who undergo Renuvion can expect a noticeable improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, creases, and laxity in the neck and jawline. Results are not immediate but gradually become apparent over several weeks as healing takes place.

Who is a candidate for Renuvion?

Most adults who are unhappy with the appearance of their necks can benefit from Renuvion. This includes men and women with loose skin due to age or weight loss. Nurse practitioner Faisal Darwiche can perform an assessment, learn about your cosmetic goals, and create a personalized treatment plan that can take years off your appearance!

How to prolong your Renuvion results

Renuvion skin tightening produces long-lasting results, but taking care of your skin can help prolong these outcomes even further. You can do this by:

  • Protecting yourself from UV rays: Wear a wide-brimmed hat and use sunscreen when spending time outdoors.
  • Staying hydrated: Drink water during the day to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.
  • Quitting smoking: Smoking damages the skin and accelerates the aging process, so try to quit as soon as possible.
  • Ask about additional treatments: Renuvion can be combined with other aesthetic procedures if desired.

Ask about Renuvion for neck laxity

Laxity in the neck and jawline is a common concern as we get older. If you want to improve your neckline without surgery, Renuvion may be the answer. Call Panacea Aesthetics and Wellness Center to discover your options for skin tightening and if you qualify for this innovative treatment in Newport Beach, CA. Nurse practitioner Faisal Darwiche understands the unique needs of each patient and can provide individualized care.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.